The Water Tower

The Water Tower
The Water Tower at Dusk

Monday, September 12, 2011

Woodland Party

The sun shone for us on Saturday Sept 10th at 6pm. I think we had around 40 people at the house and Gerry cooked up a storm whilst I ran around doing champagne and chatting. I prefer my role.

Colin and I led the groups into the woodland slope. Some people sensibly brought walking sticks. All hailing from Eskbank, they saw the steps into the woodland for the first time and I gather everyone was impressed. The steps are truly magical and take you along the lower slope to vantage points to see the river. Then up the steep slope on a winding series of steps probably equivalent to the height and incline of the water tower stair. There's no chance we will get out of condition as long as we live here.

Everyone brought plants, bulbs or seeds for the woodland and I spent Sunday putting them all into appropriate places. The idea was to plant them on Saturday night but the light was against us as well as the champagne. Many thanks to all - I have;

lillium martagon seeds
toad lily plants
cyclamen - pink and white
white honesty seeds
a xmas tree
beech hedging
a cherry tree - native variety
silver leafed something - can't remember name

all very good in woodlands - excellent.

Colin, Cameron, Ralph, Tom, Gillian, Dougie and Lorraine.

Me, George, Maggie, Kathleen, Sue.

Rosie, Nancy and Susan.

It was a great night with the buzz of conversation all around.

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